The Personal Reality of the Resurrection 21/04/2019 Ps. Don Phillips Luke The reality of the empty tomb means that God has raised Jesus from the dead! The debt of sin that was owed has been cancelled.
The 7 Last Words of Jesus from the Cross 19/04/2019 Ps. Robin John God's Love Isaiah, John, Luke, Mark, Matthew, Psalms Praise God, today is not a Black Friday, or a Sad Friday or a Bad or Dark Friday, it is a Good Friday!
Implications of Palm Sunday 14/04/2019 Ps. Thom Whitaker Corinthians, Galatians, Isaiah, James, John, Psalms, Romans God’s expectation is that our lives produce the fruit of the Spirit.
Meditations from the Cross 07/04/2019 Ps. Chris Johnstone Luke At the cross of Christ we find forgiveness. A cross-less life is a Christ-less life.