Christ came as the visible, physical manifestation of the Father’s love that was inclusive of us even while we yet hated Him. Yes hated, it was hatred that put Christ, broken and abused upon the cross. But it was love that kept Him there, the love of the Father.
God is in charge! Our lives, Our faith – His pressure test God is in charge! Today I want to look at 2 troubling pieces of scripture and employ a process whereby we will let scripture help us understand scripture. Today I want us to take a very brief look at Job through the lens…
(video unavailable due to technical difficulties) Brad shared with us about the humanity of Jesus Christ, and all he must have experienced as he endured the trials of crucifixion and death for our sins. This message served as a reminder to us that we serve a High Priest who has felt what we have felt and endured all that humanity has endured and is in touch with all our struggles and trials. Christ did all of this without sin because He knew who He was in the Father, and we as the redeemed children of God, who’s sins have been bought and paid for through his sacrifice can take courage in this message.