Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever – Hebrews 13:8
Daily Devotional

Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness.


As part of the practical outreach to the community around us we have available the following ministries.


Southwest Outreach Team Western Australia

Southwest Outreach Team Western Australia (SWOT) sharing the life changing truth of Jesus Christ with the Southwest! The South West Outreach Team (SWOT) are a team of Christians who travel by car to our south-west agricultural towns once or twice a week to encourage and pray with local believers. SWOT began some six years ago when Pastor Brian Whitehurst retired from pastoring churches…

Worship Team

Our goal is to create an atmosphere of worship during our Services where all feel welcome and encouraged to praise, worship and participate.               

Pastoral Care

Our Pastoral Care Ministry consists of  a team of dedicated people who respond to the various needs in the community. We offer counselling services. Visit and provide care to the sick. Offer prayer and practical support to those who need. The Pastoral Care team also establishes effective systems for the administration of pastoral occasions (weddings, funerals, bereavements), and the development of leaders and…

Children’s Church

Our Children’s Church ministry is a vibrant part of our Sunday Service. Children follow the “Hillsong Kids BIG” curriculum presenting Christ-centered, Bible-based teaching that is relevant to practical living and empowers children to lead and impact in every sphere of life.  It is tailor-made to capture the attention of children of primary school age. It includes multimedia teaching; quiz review segments; praise &…

International Outreach

As part of our response to the Great Commission (Matt 28:16-20) to take the Good News to every nation we support the Ministry of Pastors Robin and Rebecca John Robin John was in employment with two multinational Pharmaceutical companies, Pfizer (American) and Burroughs Wellcome (now part of British company, GlaxoSmithKline) for nearly 28 years. He served in Senior Management positions in Sri…

Eternal Man

This is our Men’s Fellowship and Outreach Ministry. We strive to create an environment for men to learn, encourage and support each other on their walk of faith on the following principles. FRIENDSHIP:            Make a friend, be a friend FAITH:                        Encourage each other to a greater…

Youth Ministry

Our aim is raising and developing youth leaders and volunteers; the discipleship of teenagers; developing and implementing a regular Youth program; and developing outreach to youth in the Canning Vale community. Eternal Youth is a joyful activity-based youth group where we can learn about Jesus and his life changing love for each one of us. As part of our outreach we organise…