Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever – Hebrews 13:8
Daily Devotional

Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the LORD.

"Acts 13" Tagged Sermons

What Kind of Church

The Ten Top Symptoms of Emotionally Unhealthy Spirituality: ‘1. Using God to Run from God, 2. Ignoring the Ungodly Emotions of Anger, Sadness, and Fear, 3. Dying to the Wrong Things, 4. Denying the Past’s Impact on the Present, 5. Dividing Our Lives into “Secular” and “Sacred” Compartments, 6. Doing for God Instead of Being with God, 7. Spiritualizing Away Conflict, 8. Covering over Brokenness, Weakness, and Failure, 9. Living without Limits, 10. Judging Other People’s Spiritual Journey’ – Chapter 2 of Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (Nelson, 2006) Pete Scazzero