On this page we will share what the Lord is doing through the Ministry of Pastors Robin and Rebecca John
2021 Review
Most of us have gone through many challenges on various fronts this year with much confusion around, turmoil, uncertainties, distress, health issues, and anxiety. But Praise the LORD, in the midst of the chaotic situations we have faced with an uncertain future ahead, our comfort and hope is that the LORD is in Sovereign control of all circumstances and HE does not change. Mal 3:6
Isaiah 41:10 has been a great encouragement to us:
Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’
The very thought of the LORD’s return being hastened by the day gives us the blessed hope of all that the LORD has prepared for us. Titus 2:13 Hebrews 9:28 John 14:1-3
GOD will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away…”Behold, I make “ALL THINGS NEW” Rev 21:4-5
Our ministry Itinerary for December 2021 is below for your Prayers and also our annual report in Thanksgiving to the LORD and in appreciation of your standing with us in Prayer. 2 Cor 1:11
About this time of each year we take time to do two things. Firstly we look back to thank GOD for the things HE has fulfilled with HIS hand what HE promised with HIS mouth. 2 Chron 6:4 Then we look to the LORD to prayerfully receive and note down HIS plans for the ministry in the year ahead. This gives us direction and clarity for our pathway for the New Year.
It brings us great joy to recollect the events over the year to see the hand of the LORD that led us to fulfil the ‘Vision and Mission’ plan for 2021! As promised, the LORD opened a new door to do two sessions of a Q & A recording for You Tube, through ‘Christian Ambassadors Production’ on the topic, ‘Drawing close to GOD and coping in the midst of the Pandemic.’ We could also contribute some pre-recorded devotional messages for a Church in Singapore. In the midst of border closures, the LORD took us to Melbourne with urgency to proclaim the message of HIS return and preparation for it. HE gave us opportunities and also opened an unexpected door to share at a Romanian Baptist Church! Rev 3:7-8
Pastors and Church leaders have come to us divinely, for mentoring or encouragement and Prayer. We have also been able to do this through technology for overseas and interstate leaders. We depended on the LORD for wisdom in these instances so that the Kingdom work could profit.
The LORD had instructed us to be ready in and out of season and there was a day when we were suddenly called to counsel and pray with a couple facing a crisis which the LORD beautifully resolved. There were other instances as well when we had to minister at short notice.
Especially this year, we have had numerous requests for prayer for healing of people of all ages suffering from various sicknesses in many parts of the world. Ps 107:20
Following are other main ministries:
- A message of comfort at the meeting of the family and friends of a dear Pastor’s family when they were bereaved.
- Three baby dedications.
- House dedication.
- Family thanksgiving celebration.
- Foursquare Gospel Western Australia Board Retreat.
- Foursquare Gospel Church leadership meetings in Armadale, Mandurah/Baldivis
- Sunday Services in our Home Church, Eternal Life Ministries.
- Being a part of the Home Group led by Ps Don Phillips. We experience such bonding in the love of CHRIST.
- Being a part of and facilitating the Afternoon Prayer Meeting on Wednesdays is a blessing. This is led by Rebecca
- Sunday Services in the Foursquare Gospel Church in Pingelly. At one service, one man walked into that Church for the first time and stepped into the Kingdom!
- Sunday Service in Boddington.
- Empowered Nations Church – Watch night service for 2021, Good Friday, Prayer and Fasting, Baptism Service, Sunday Service
Online Ministry - To Leaders of Sri Lanka Foursquare (Sinhala Nugegoda) and Pastors of Smyrna Churches.
- Bible Study for Foursquare Gospel Church in Auckland.
- Message to the ‘JESUS Calls’ ministry in Sydney.
- Sunday Services – Sri Lanka: Nugegoda, Watawala and Pussellawa. India in Rajamundry (Hyderabad) where four were born again and baptised immediately!
As thick darkness continues to spread over the nations and over people, the command comes loud and clear to us, “Arise, Shine! For your light has come!” “Let your light so shine before men.” We have to consciously keep ourselves from being overcome by the darkness that is manifested by oppression, deception, fear and confusion. We should not delve into it or even fight it. As we wait on the LORD, we will rise on eagle’s wings above the darkness to catch and reflect GOD’S light. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not comprehend it. Is 60:1-3 Matt 5:16 John 1:3
This light is the love of GOD. Let us beware of the snare of the enemy that brings dissensions through debates on the virus, vaccine, attitudes and actions of rulers and so on. Let us keep our hearts with all diligence for out of it spring the issues of life. Let us constantly lift our hearts to our HEAVENLY FATHER, so that fear could be replaced by HIS love to the full and overflow to others! Prov 4:23 Rom 5:5
Thank you, Pastor Don Philipps, our Senior Pastor, those in the core prayer group, our ‘Eternal Church’ family and all our intercessors across the nations. We thank you for taking time to mention our names before the Throne of grace and for undergirding our work for the Kingdom so that we may bear much and lasting fruit for the glory of HIS Name.
We also thank those of you who have blessed us with practical support. 2 Cor 9:8-15
For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape. 1 Thessalonians 5:3
Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. John 14:27
Perfect peace comes only from having our mind stayed on the Prince of Peace. Let us also pursue peace with others.
We are immensely grateful for your prayers on behalf of us for the coming year. May you experience the work of HIS Spirit in yourself as you strive to pray according to HIS will even in taking up the following prayer points. Rom 8:26-27
- Sensitivity to the Holy Spirit to speak the right word at the right time to individuals or people.
- Open doors and receptive hearts.
- More faith and greater anointing to see the power of GOD work through us.
- Every hindrance of the enemy, snare and deviation to be revealed and overcome by faith and love.
- Much lasting fruit for the Kingdom of GOD.
- Good health and strength.
- Family.
May the Joy of JESUS be more real to you and HIS Presence be sweeter than ever before this Christmas and in the new year 2022!
With our hearts of gratitude and much affection in the Bonds of Calvary
Prior to our 2018 Visit to Kuala Lumpor – Note from Rebecca:
When our Church core prayer group was praying for us in our home, I had a beautiful picture of a bow and arrow. Robin and I are the arrow, going forth from the bow into Kuala Lumpor. The group of intercessors are the bow. The arrow cannot go out with force, power and impetus without the bow. The LORD is the Archer Who holds the bow and the arrow in His hands to shoot, as, when and where He desires! Thank you Ps Don, the Prayer Core group and the Eternal congregation for travelling with us on your knees. Your Prayer covering is the greatest blessing we could have from the Church. May your reward be great. Genesis 15:1 Robin and Rebecca – 2 Chron 15:7
Please read Robin’s report for July and August, 2018.
KL, Malaysia – June 15-25
We sensed a different atmosphere here this time. The oppression and darkness that used to envelope this place seemed to have lifted. There was order on the roads and also cleanliness in restaurants. We had strategic times of much needed counsel, encouragement and prayer with Pastors, couples, families and individuals in restaurants, cafes and homes. It is amazing to observe the hand of the Almighty GOD of the universe orchestrating such appointments so specifically with such time precision! One of the highlights was meeting with Ps Adiyya Paul and his brother from Hyderabad, India. Ps Adiyya got in touch with us mysteriously about six years ago. Together with his godly family, Church family, and children in his orphanage, he has stood with us in sincere and fervent prayer ever since. He was so desirous to do this flight to KL just to see us! It was a great joy to meet face to face and know the reality of the bond of CHRIST! Ps 147:5-6
Kingdomcity, Malaysia
Praise GOD for the success of the Kingdomcity Church. From a congregation of just 4, they now run well over 5000 people! The lively congregations at the Subang campus and the Klang campus received the message well. The message was about the influence of an individual with an excellent spirit like Daniel through the Holy Spirit. The feedback was that it was a timely message for the Church and for individuals, especially one of much political influence who was in the congregation. Eight and two persons responded to the altar call at the two assemblies respectively. We spent some time with all the Senior Pastors of the Church over meals, encouraging them and praying with them and also with the key politician and the family. All these were strategically planned by the LORD.
The two hours spent with the MIT (Ministers In Training) was a special and fulfilling time. We were touched by the humble, enthusiastic and receptive attitude of these pastors and staff workers. There were many relevant points for them from John 21, the most important being the question from our LORD “Do you love Me more than these?”
Ministry in May
Beverly – WA
We accompanied Geoff and Margaret (South West Outreach Team) to a little town just over an hour’s drive from Perth. About 12 older folk gathered in the home of Glenda whose husband Terry passed away just over three months ago. This was an enthusiastic group of people who were attending different Churches in the area. They participated in the informal study of ‘An Open Heaven’. As GOD’S people live without guile like Nathaniel, walk in obedience and in prayer, there will be an open heaven over Beverly.
Bible Foundation Church, Mandurah
Ps Dennis and Juliet Fynn are in a healthy new phase of ministry with a new name. New people are being added to the assembly. It was good to speak to them from John 21 about the restoration and new beginning for Peter.
Kingdomcity Leadership Academy and Ministers In Training (KLA and MIT)
The serious commitment of the leadership of this Church and their desire to do their best is a challenge to the other parts of the Body of CHRIST. It was a joy to teach, answer questions and pray with these enthusiastic and responsive students.
Warren Valley Community Church, Manjimup
It was good to spend time with Ps Sue Mcredden and the leaders and preach about the excellent spirit Daniel carried in all circumstances, including his time with lions! We are glad to hear from Sue that new people are coming and that lives are being transformed! Although the Church building was broken into the previous week, and a computer taken, they are happy that the police could walk in and hear of the positive influence of the Church on the local community! Rom 8:28
Eternal Life Ministries, Perth
The workings of the Holy Spirit are becoming more evident in this assembly. The broken, the bereaved and the sick are being ministered to and there is a call to deep repentance and return to our first love for JESUS. Acts 3:19
Ministry in April:
Kingdomcity Perth (South Campus)
This is a fast growing Church with an enthusiastic congregation. There was a good response at both services from many people to commit to follow the LORD.
Auckland, New Zealand
All Nations City Church celebrated its 10th anniversary on a grand scale with a special service. It was a joyous occasion with gratitude to GOD for the ministry of Ps Theo and Manju through this Church. Many souls have been saved and built up in their faith. The emphasis of the messages was on serving the LORD because we love Him. I taught the leaders on the characteristics of a leader and Rebecca spoke to the ladies at a breakfast meeting and led the early bird Bible study before the Sunday service.
Ballarat, Victoria
It was a joy to teach the word to the group of young people attending the Christian Revival Church at my son Preshan’s home on Wednesday evening . They are keen learners and are being discipled effectively.
Gateway (Baptist) Church, Adelaide
We flew to Adelaide for the weekend to minister at the above Church. They have moved into larger premises to prepare for the harvest ahead. The response was tremendous and the time with the Senior Pastor Ps Jeremy Jaques was a blessing to encourage him to move forward the congregation of 240 people.
Returning to Melbourne, we met up with friends and relatives and enjoyed a short refreshing time. About 3.30am on 27th April, while getting ready to leave for the airport to catch an early flight to Perth, we got news of the passing away of Rebecca’s Mum in Sri Lanka. After the initial sadness of losing Mum from this earth, we have great joy welling up in our hearts especially after hearing her helper who was beside her, describe the passing away of Mummy. “She was peaceful and radiant. She had a smile on her face as she breathed her last!” She was a servant of GOD and we are so very happy for Mummy and our hope of eternity is even more real now. It is so easy to cross over from this temporal to the eternal! We thank GOD for this provision He has made for us through our LORD JESUS. 1 Cor 15:55-58